Pastoral Council

The 2024-2025 QoA Pastoral Council Members are:

Fr. Chuck Hanel, Kent Rice, Tom Farley, Stephanie Fong, Dale Servais,

Tim Dondlinger, Chris Behrndt, Becky Wagner, Debbie Bisswurm,

Gary Mathis, Cindy Klopp, and John Henry 

Pastoral Council Officers

Chair - Kent Rice

Vice Chair - Tom Farley

Secretary - Stephanie Fong

Liaisons to the QoA Commissions

Lifelong Faith Formation: Cindy Klopp & John Henry

Human Concerns: Debbie Bisswurm

Prayer & Worship: Gary Mathis & Stephanie Fong

Stewardship: Becky Wagner

Finance Council: Tom Farley & Chris Behrndt

Pastoral Council meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm in Grellinger Hall.

Everyone is welcome to attend the Pastoral Council meetings.

Minutes to the Pastoral Council meetings are found below and a copy of the prior month is always posted in the back of Church for viewing.


If you have any questions for the Pastoral Council, please contact them at

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