Formation & Sacramental Preparation

The journey toward spiritual growth, discovering, and understanding who we are called to be as Disciples of Christ.

  • Child Ministry Catechist (K4-5)

    Connect with families and facilitate small group discussions and activities.  Materials and support are provided. No teaching experience required.

  • Youth Ministry Catechist (6-12)

    Connect with teens and facilitate small group discussions and activities. Materials and support are provided. No teaching experience required.

  • Young Adult Care Packages

    Assemble care packages for college-age adults for Advent and Lent.

  • Bible Study

    Facilitate discussion of Scripture using Catholic study programs to deepen faith and increase understanding.

  • Book Study

    Lead a group in sharing their thoughts after reading and reflecting on a faith-based book. Materials and support are provided.

  • Small Groups

    Accompany a small faith-sharing group who gather on a regular basis, reflect on the weekend readings, and share the impact on their lives.

  • Hospitality

    Provide refreshments for classes, dinners and celebrations.

  • Baptism

    Welcome and accompany families as they prepare for the sacrament of baptism. Materials and support are provided. Meets every other month on Tuesday evenings.

  • “FOCCUS” Couple

    Help engaged couples appreciate their unique relationship, learn more about themselves, and discuss topics important to their lifelong marriage. Materials and support are provided. Meet with a few couples a year, each at least twice.

  • Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)

    Support catechumens and candidates who desire to become members of the Catholic Church. Schedule is flexible.

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