Our Staff

Fr. Chuck Hanel


(262) 691-1535 ext.101

Father Chuck has been pastor at Queen of Apostles since January 2014. Before that, he was
pastor of St. Gabriel Parish in Hubertus, WI.

“I was ordained more than 33 years ago, and I think I’m finally learning what it means to be a
pastor. I realize that first I need to become an intentional disciple. Perhaps then I can serve
others on that same road."

"I really like being a part of Queen of Apostles Parish!  I’d love for you to be a part of it too.”

Grace Majewski

Director of Music & Liturgy

(262) 691-1535 x103

John Schueller

Director of Administrative Services

262-691-1535 x102

Debbie Esser

Assistant to the Director of Finance

(262) 691-1535 x104

Joshur Mazzone

Director of Faith Formation

(262) 691-1535 x108

Liz Kuhn

Assistant Director of Faith Formation

(262) 691-1535 x107

Lisa Miles

Parish Administrative Assistant

262-691-1535 x110

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