Middle & High School Retreats

In the sixth grade, youth begin to be accountable for their spiritual growth as part of their Catholic commitment...

Of course their spiritual growth is a lifelong endeavor!

The Christian Formation program requires Middle School and High School youth to complete 1 retreat per year through the parish.

If a youth cannot attend a parish retreat, he/she is expected to make another retreat on his/her own.

Please use the Service and Retreat Log to record the times that you have gone on retreat. If you are unsure about an activity, talk to a Christian Formation staff person. The biggest criteria is taking time to open yourself to an experience of God’s transforming love.

Some of the retreats offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Check out How To Go To ConfessionVideo: Confession 101, and the Examination of Conscience for High School Youth. You can print out the Act of Contrition and bring it with you! You can also have it on your phone – download or use the free app Laudate.

Retreats also sometimes include praying the Rosary. Check out How to Pray the Rosary.

Retreats for 2024-2025

Grades 9 & 10

SPIRITUS Retreat -- Saturday, October 26, from 10 am to 2 pm at Saint James Parish in Menomonee Falls. A team of young adults, ages 19 to 29, will be leading the retreat -- they devote a school year to ministry around Wisconsin. Includes lunch. The retreat is a collaboration of several area parishes including Saint James, Good Shepherd, and QOA. Sign up at https://mygoodshepherd.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/224/responses/new. Please select "Pay Later" from the pull-down menu. There should be no additional fees for any of the retreats as your registration fee covers all retreats. In other words, QOA will "Pay Later!" Need assistance? Contact Corinna Ramsey at Good Shepherd at ramseyc@mygoodshepherd.org or (262) 345-3897.

Grades 6 to 10

Saint John Bosco Youth Day – Please do NOT register online! Saturday, September 28 from 8:30 am to 6 pm at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians, at Holy Hill. Transportation is most likely by carpool from QOA’s parking lot. Please eat breakfast at home. Includes lunch (brat or burger, chips, water). Mass fulfills the Sunday obligation. Opportunity for Reconciliation. Bring clothes / blankets for outdoor weather! Optional to bring water, kneeling pad, rosary, and money for religious items. Adult chaperones are needed – must meet Safe Environment requirements. Permission Slip and separate Liability Form from JBYD 2024 due by class on September 22.

Wisconsin Catholic Youth Rally – Saturday, March 15, from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm at Carroll University in Waukesha. Transportation is most likely by carpool from QOA’s parking lot. Please eat breakfast at home. Includes lunch. Great music, awesome prayer, and unique sessions. Mass fulfills the Sunday obligation. Reconciliation is encouraged. Adult chaperones are needed. Registration will be done as a group.

Holy Thursday Encounter – Thursday, April 17, from 5:30 to 10 pm at QOA. The evening will begin with a simple supper and a discussion of the Holy Thursday service. We will attend Mass at 7 pm which includes a washing of the feet and a procession of the Eucharist to the Altar of Repose. Surrounding the Mass, we will remember Jesus’ agony in the garden, arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection with movies, music, and other activities. Adult chaperones are encouraged. You must be willing to meet the Safe Environment requirements. Training is available. Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090E4FA9A922A1F49-54189607-retreats#/

Confirmation (usually Grade 11)

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