High School


For more information about our High School Program, please contact our Director of Faith Formation, Liz Kuhn at lizk@queenofapostles.net or (262) 691-1535 x108.

Grades 9 through 11 are together for the sessions.

Sessions run from September through April and are held roughly twice a month on Sundays from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Each session consists of a large group portion (teaching) and a small group portion (discussion / activities). The teaching is done by a lead catechist with possible assisting catechists. The discussion is led by small group facilitators with a group of 7 or so teens of the same grade level.

Confirmation information is provided in a separate link. Note that youth in public school that want to prepare for Confirmation must attend the Grade 11 Christian Formation sessions AND the Confirmation sessions.

Service and Retreat opportunities, including Mission Trips, are an integral part of our program. See their separate links for information.

Finally, research shows that parental involvement is the number one determining factor regarding teens practicing their faith as adults.

All grades have parent / youth meetings to start the year. All grades participate in a family service project through the church. Grades 6 to 11 have a parent / youth session on a safe environment topic.

Confirmation also has two sponsor / candidate sessions during the year. Parents and sponsors receive emails and texts on an as needed basis.

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