Finance Council

Coming soon...

  • Budget Committee


    The budget committee is involved with the preparation and development of a parish budget draft for approval by the Finance Council. The committee works with the various commissions and committees of both councils to balance the projected revenues and expenses of the parish during the next fiscal year. The Pastoral Council participates in the budget process.

    The committee follows a timeline and completes its work by a deadline established by the Finance Council. The frequency of meetings is determined by the committee. Once the draft is submitted, the budget committee's task is complete until the next fiscal year.



    A staff member with responsibility for developing the budget, a Finance Council member, representatives from key areas of mission and ministry Parish members with expertise in budgeting and finance.


    Areas of Responsibility

    The budget committee is responsible, for these tasks:

    1. Determine a timeline for the submission of a budget draft to the Finance Council.

    2. Communicate any necessary guidelines or parameters for the upcoming fiscal year which have been determined by the Finance Council based on projected revenues.

    3. Invite all officers and commissions/committees to prepare and submit preliminary operating budgets.

    4. Provide past budget histories and current year-to-date performance to the appropriate offices and ministries.

    5. Work to reach a balanced budget with offices, commissions/committees, and the participation of the Pastoral Council.


  • Building and Grounds Committee


    The building and grounds committee is concerned with the state and condition of parish facilities and property, their maintenance and upkeep. The committee prioritizes and presents needs as part of the budget process and identifies any situations which require immediate action to the Finance Council.

    The committee plays an important role in the development and monitoring of a master site plan. The plan allows the parish to maximize the use of property and facilities, establish a timeline for the updating of mechanical and electrical systems, and anticipate any building or renovation projects. The master site plan is best developed in conjunction with an architect.



    The Parish Director of Maintenance and the Director of Administrative Services should be selected to serve on this committee.

    Other members from the parish should be selected because of their knowledge and expertise in the areas of architecture, construction, landscaping, cleaning, and maintenance skills.


    Areas of Responsibility

    The building and grounds committee is responsible for the following tasks:

    1. Inspect all parish properties on a regular basis and recommend priorities for needed repairs, remodeling, and new construction.

    2. Develop, review, and update a master site plan for the parish property and facilities which reflects current and future needs.

    3. Assist in the development of specifications for projects and participate in the review of bids as requested.

    4. Make recommendations to the Finance Council regarding projects and contractors.

    5. Assemble a list of capable parishioners willing to volunteer for spring and fall cleanups or other parish maintenance projects.

    6. Recommend the purchases of equipment, supplies, and maintenance services.

    7. Monitor the cleanliness of parish property and facilities.

    8. Be familiar with safety and insurance standards related to the parish, make certain the parish complies with these standards, and review the annual safety inspection conducted by the parish's insurance company in order to respond to any concerns.

    9. Evaluate parish needs to conserve energy and operate more efficiently and make recommendations.

    10. Prepare guidelines for the use of and cleanup of parish facilities by parish groups or rental or leasing entities.

  • Personnel Committee


    The personnel committee makes recommendations to the Finance Council regarding the adoption of a parish personnel handbook. The actual hiring, supervision, evaluation or termination of employees are the proper roles of the pastor, administrator or person delegated. 

    In addition, this committee can provide important professional and legal expertise in regard to personnel policy, benefit packages, conflict resolution and mediation, hiring and firing and all areas of human resource management.

    The committee meets several times a year to review the handbook, to train other parish personnel supervisors, and to monitor the state of personnel practice in the parish. The committee may also convene at the request of the pastor or administrator to consult regarding a personnel matter.



    The pastor or administrator should attend these meetings.

    Other members from the parish should be selected with expertise in law, human resources, and personnel management.


    Areas of Responsibility

    The personnel committee is responsible for the following tasks:

    1. Develop, maintain, and update a parish personnel handbook, grounded in Catholic Social Teaching and faithful to diocesan and USCCB guidelines, for councils review and approval by the Finance Council.

    2. Assist with the development and review of job descriptions for all parish positions.

    3. Assist with the development of a performance review system for use with exempt and nonexempt employees.

    4. Provide an annual training for supervisors in the performance review system in order to establish consistent patterns of position affirmation and improvement.

    5. Develop, maintain, and update a hiring and interview process for parish supervisors to follow when seeking new employees which ensures equal opportunity and promotes affirmative action.

    6. Develop an orientation procedure for new employees, make it available to supervisors, and monitor its use and effectiveness.

    7. Review the parish record keeping for personnel matters and benefit use and make any necessary recommendations for improvement.

  • Parish Cemetery Committee


    The parish cemetery committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Finance Council regarding the care and practice of the parish cemetery. In some situations, this committee may be responsible for more than one cemetery. In those cases, the committee should seek to develop common or uniform practices at all the cemeteries.

    The committee should implement and follow the Parish Cemetery Guidelines which have been reviewed by the Priests' Council, parishes with cemeteries, and approved by the Archbishop. These guidelines will assist the committee and those who work directly with cemetery operations in every aspect of operating a cemetery. Additional resources are available from the diocesan cemeteries office.

    It is important to note that most parish cemeteries are part of the overall parish ministry. Even though the cemetery may function with a certain sense of autonomy, all financial and ministerial activity is under the supervision and direction of the pastor or administrator. The cemetery operation is subject to all the financial controls and practices of the parish.

    Any questions regarding legal matters should be referred to the Chancery Office.



    The pastor or a delegate should attend the parish cemetery meetings.

    Other members from the parish should be selected because of their knowledge of cemetery operations or interest in the parish cemetery.


    Areas of Responsibility

    The parish cemetery committee is responsible for the following tasks:

    1. Assist with the operation and care of the parish cemetery.

    2. Establish procedures and practices for the sale and recording of lots, funding for perpetual care, grave markers and decorations, and cemetery visitation for review by the councils and approval by the Finance Council.

    3. Monitor the financial controls, budget, and practices of the cemetery to ensure the diocesan guidelines and state law are followed.

    4. Keep current with cemetery trends and developments in order to make certain that the cemetery is a vital ministry within the parish community.

    5. Participate in formational opportunities regarding cemeteries which are offered by the diocese.

  • Technology Committee


    Information and communication technology is essential for parish employees to work efficiently and for the parish to keep in contact with its parishioners. A technology committee which functions under the Finance Council will provide the expert guidance for the parish to develop replacement and upgrade plans as well as incorporate and integrate new technologies into parish usage. The scope of the committee can cover a number of technology areas, including computers, copiers/printers, phone, bulletin, video, sound and security systems as well as technology education in a school.

    The committee follows the guidelines in the Norms for Finance Councils. A meeting report should be submitted to the Finance Council for review. The Finance Council may request to meet with the committee on occasion and will rely on the committee to assess the state of the technology systems and to recommend any budgetary expenditure as part of an ongoing plan.



    The committee will work optimally with 5 to 7 members. Three to five members should be selected from the parish and/or school and two to three members from the staff. Members should have some technology skills and knowledge as well as an understanding of the Church's mission in order to ensure that the use of technology will help the parish achieve its broader mission and goals.

    In the selection of members, knowledge about how to use the technology is preferable to how the technology works but both are needed on the committee. Younger parishioners tend to be more tech savvy and should be invited to participate in this committee.


    Areas of Responsibility

    The technology committee is responsible for these tasks:

    1. Develop and regularly update a technology plan, providing the research, writing, and editing of the plan for approval by the Finance Council for the ongoing evolution, upgrading, and replacement of systems.

    2. Establish technology use directives and procedures for shared equipment to insure that the technology is made available for use and properly maintained.

    3. Propose and prioritize technology projects as needed and as part of the plan.

    4. Monitor the progress of technology projects in conjunction with the designated staff person.

    5. Conduct an annual survey of commissions and committees to update the status of the technology plan, to assess current technology use, and to determine any changes or needs.

Please contact the Parish Office at (262) 691-1535 if you are interested in being a member of any of the above referenced committees.

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