
Check back often for updates!

In the sixth grade, youth begin to be accountable for serving others as part of their Catholic commitment. That said, giving of oneself is not restricted to an assignment during Faith Formation — it is a lifelong endeavor!

The Faith Formation program requires:

  • Middle School youth to complete 5 hours of service per year and
  • High School youth to complete 10 hours of service per year.

Youth are to complete service in these three areas:

  • Service within Liturgy (L)
  • Service within Parish Life (P)
  • Service within the Community (C)

Youth in Middle School + High School Grades 9 & 10 have opportunities for liturgical service at Sunday Masses throughout the year aka "Youth Masses." Youth in these grades are asked to sign up for 2 Youth Masses in 2 different liturgical roles (greeter, usher, server, etc.). A Sign Up Genius Page is HERE.

Confirmation candidates (usually Grade 11) have opportunities for liturgical service at Sponsor / Candidate Masses in Dec and Mar. Youth in Confirmation are asked to sign up for both Sponsor / Candidate Masses in 2 different liturgical roles. Separate Sign Up Genius links will be available closer to Dec and Mar.

Of course any youth can ask to be put on the liturgy schedule on a more regular basis (see below).

Please use the Service and Retreat Log to record the ways that you have served.

If you are unsure about an activity, talk to a Faith Formation staff person. The biggest criteria is giving of yourself without pay for the service of others to make a difference in our community.

Ongoing Service Opportunities

  1. Service within Liturgy (L) – Includes Greeter, Usher, Server, Lector (Reader), Cantor, Choir Member, Instrumentalist, and Decor. Can be weekly or monthly at any of the Masses. Training is provided. Volunteers (children starting grade 4 through adults) can complete the Liturgy Scheduling Form and RSVP to Mary Tannis, Liturgy Assistant, at
  2. Adopt-a-Highway (P) -- QOA is officially responsible for the northern side of 2 miles along Capitol Drive between Springdale Rd and Hwy 164. Safety vests are provided. Bring your own gloves / grabbers. Volunteers (teens with a parent or adults) are needed to walk part of the route and bag the garbage. RSVP to parishioner Pat Quinn-Casper at
  3. Friday Fish Fry (P) -- The next Fish Fries are Mar 7 / Mar 21 / Apr 4 / Apr 11, with both dine-in and drive-thru. Volunteers (teens or adults) are needed from 4 to 8 pm mainly for running to / from cars and for cleaning up. Safety vests are provided. RSVP to parishioner Joyce Fischer, volunteer coordinator, at . All dates are open for orders from 4:30 to 7 pm.
  4. Saint Vincent de Paul Meal Program (C) -- The 2024 St. Vincent de Paul Meal Program sign up is going on now! On the third Thursday of alternating months, parishioners are asked to donate food for the Meal Program. You get to choose your donation. Whether you donate the main entree, 3 dozen homemade cookies, or an institutional size can of vegetables, all donations are important. If you want to do more, sign up to serve at the St. Vincent de Paul South Side Meal Center at 10th & Madison in Milwaukee. Questions go to parishioner Cindy Klopp at (414) 531-1817.
  5. Mercy Mats (C) -- What are all those plastic bags at church for? They're for Mercy Mats! Mercy Mats are homemade bed rolls that will be distributed by our friends at MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary in Mke. Volunteers (elementary children with a parent or teens or adults) are invited to make Mercy Mats! The process involves a) making plarn / plastic yarn and b) crocheting. You can contribute to either or both parts. No experience necessary! All materials provided! That said, if you have a rotary mat / cutter, please bring them along. Mercy Mats gathers on the second Monday of the month from 6 to 8 pm in the hall. You can also work from home. No RSVP needed. Questions to Lori Heinen, co-leader, at
  6. College Care Packages (P) -- QOA sends college care packages to those college-age young adults whose families requests them. Volunteers (elementary children with a parent or teens or adults) are invited to write cards, pack, and address the packages. Usually done before Advent and Lent. RSVP to Joshur Mazzone, Director of Faith Formation, at

New Service Opportunities

  1. Youth Masses for Grades 6 through 10 (L) -- We have four Youth Masses scheduled for Grades 6 through 10 and participation in two of them is required. Youth are asked to arrive 1/2 hour before Mass to prepare their roles. Readings will be provided for practicing. Sign up for a role at Scroll down, select your sign up, and click "Save & Continue" at the bottom.
  2. Stations of the Cross (L) -- Wed, Apr 2 at 6:30 pm. Arrive by 6:10 pm to practice and prepare. Read or hold cross + candles. Note that this will be a traditional Stations with NO special readings, costumes, props, etc. This devotion lasts about 1/2 hour. Open to all ages! RSVP to Liz at
  3. Easter Baskets (C) -- The Pewaukee Food Pantry is looking for 30 filled Easter baskets to distribute to its clients' children. You can sign up HERE and select the gender and age of the child. Each Easter basket can be quite simple -- nothing over $20 is needed. We already have a parishioner crocheting a bunny head for each basket that will contain 1 plastic egg, so leave some room! The included items can be secular and/or religious. Food allergies do not have to be considered, but nut free items are always appreciated. To accommodate the Pantry's distribution schedule, we would like all completed baskets to be brought in by class on Sunday, April 6. Please include a paper indicating the gender and age of the child.
  4. Pastoral Council (P) -- Pastoral Council has an opening for a Youth Representative. Meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm. RSVP to Kent Rice, Pastoral Council Chair, at
  5. Blessings in a Backpack (C) -- In years past, QOA has hosted a bag pack for the Waukesha chapter of Blessings in a Backpack. They provide bags of food to kids on free / reduced cost lunches every Friday in certain Waukesha County schools. Due to COVID and the growing need, Blessings now ships food directly to the schools. However, they do have a few opportunities for bag fills at their storage unit in Waukesha. Volunteers (children starting grade 3 and teens with a parent or adults) are needed for set up and bag packing.

Check back often for updates!

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