The 2024-2025 QoA Pastoral Council Members are:
Fr. Chuck Hanel, Kent Rice, Tom Farley, Stephanie Fong, Dale Servais,
Tim Dondlinger, Chris Behrndt, Becky Wagner, Debbie Bisswurm,
Gary Mathis, Cindy Klopp, and John Henry
Pastoral Council Officers
Chair - Kent Rice
Vice Chair - Tom Farley
Secretary - Stephanie Fong
Liaisons to the QoA Commissions
Lifelong Faith Formation: Cindy Klopp & John Henry
Human Concerns: Debbie Bisswurm
Prayer & Worship: Gary Mathis & Stephanie Fong
Stewardship: Becky Wagner
Finance Council: Tom Farley & Chris Behrndt
Pastoral Council meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm in Grellinger Hall.
Everyone is welcome to attend the Pastoral Council meetings.
Minutes to the Pastoral Council meetings are found below and a copy of the prior month is always posted in the back of Church for viewing.
If you have any questions for the Pastoral Council, please contact them at
N35W23360 Capitol Drive
Pewaukee, WI 53072
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