Liturgy & Music

The "work of the people" to deepen our spiritual lives, strengthen our relationships with God, and magnify the Body of Christ

  • Audio Visual

    Responsible for the operation and coordination of the AV technology used during liturgies and other events.

  • Mass Server/Cross Bearer

    Lead the entrance and closing processions, ring the Sanctus bells, and assist the priest during liturgies. Instruction and formation are provided for youth and adults.

  • Children's Liturgy of the Word

    Youth and adult leaders facilitate a child focused reflection on the scripture readings of the day. Materials and support are provided.

  • Communion Service Leader

    Lead a communion service at church, nursing home and/or assisted living facility. Instruction and formation are provided.

  • Communion to Shut-Ins

    Share prayers and the Eucharist to the homebound, hospitalized, and those in nursing homes. Formation is provided.

  • Environment Team

    Set and maintain the liturgical décor in the sanctuary, main church, and gathering space to appropriately reflect the liturgical seasons.

  • Communion Minister

    Confirmed youth and adults assist in the sharing of the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass. Instruction and formation are provided.

  • Greeter

    Teens and adults welcome parishioners and guests as they arrive for Mass, distribute worship aids, and provide information.

  • Laundry Volunteers

    Care of altar linens, altar server robes, albs, and vestments on a rotating schedule.

  • Lector

    Proclaim the 1st and 2nd scripture readings and lead the Universal Prayer at Mass. Instruction and formation are provided.

  • Liturgy Assistant

    Provide support for the smooth performance of liturgy ensuring ministers are present and prepared.

  • Sacristan

    Prepare the church for Mass with the set-up of vessels, linens, candles, and consumables; lighting and sound systems; and other ministry items as needed.

  • Usher

    Teens and adults facilitate the seating of parishioners, collection and presentation of gifts, communion procession, and distribution of bulletins.

  • Cantor

    Proclaim the psalm through song and lead the congregation at liturgies.

  • Choir

    Youth and adults sing at weekend liturgies to support and encourage participation in song. Rehearsals for the choirs are Thursday evenings and one hour prior to Mass.

  • Handbell Choir

    Play at 10:30 am Christmas and Easter liturgies. Music reading experience and rehearsals are required.

  • Musician/Instrumentalist

    Accompany the choir at liturgies to support and encourage participation in song. Music reading experience is required.

  • Resurrection Choir

    Sing at funerals on an as needed basis.

List of Services

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