Responsible for the operation and coordination of the AV technology used during liturgies and other events.
Lead the entrance and closing processions, ring the Sanctus bells, and assist the priest during liturgies. Instruction and formation are provided for youth and adults.
Youth and adult leaders facilitate a child focused reflection on the scripture readings of the day. Materials and support are provided.
Lead a communion service at church, nursing home and/or assisted living facility. Instruction and formation are provided.
Share prayers and the Eucharist to the homebound, hospitalized, and those in nursing homes. Formation is provided.
Set and maintain the liturgical décor in the sanctuary, main church, and gathering space to appropriately reflect the liturgical seasons.
Confirmed youth and adults assist in the sharing of the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass. Instruction and formation are provided.
Teens and adults welcome parishioners and guests as they arrive for Mass, distribute worship aids, and provide information.
Care of altar linens, altar server robes, albs, and vestments on a rotating schedule.
Proclaim the 1st and 2nd scripture readings and lead the Universal Prayer at Mass. Instruction and formation are provided.
Provide support for the smooth performance of liturgy ensuring ministers are present and prepared.
Prepare the church for Mass with the set-up of vessels, linens, candles, and consumables; lighting and sound systems; and other ministry items as needed.
Teens and adults facilitate the seating of parishioners, collection and presentation of gifts, communion procession, and distribution of bulletins.
Proclaim the psalm through song and lead the congregation at liturgies.
Youth and adults sing at weekend liturgies to support and encourage participation in song. Rehearsals for the choirs are Thursday evenings and one hour prior to Mass.
Play at 10:30 am Christmas and Easter liturgies. Music reading experience and rehearsals are required.
Accompany the choir at liturgies to support and encourage participation in song. Music reading experience is required.
Sing at funerals on an as needed basis.
Members study and discuss the liturgical needs of the parish and plan according to the liturgical season.
The Prayer and Worship Commission meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 4pm in Grellinger Hall.
The Committee members shall be liturgical ministers and parishioners who have an interest/expertise in worship and liturgy.
Ex-officio members include the Pastor, Director of Liturgy & Music, and a Pastoral Council Liaison.
Coming soon...
Grace Majewski, Ext. 103
N35W23360 Capitol Drive
Pewaukee, WI 53072
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